The Dream Team Academy

Adriana Says Become All You Are

Episode Summary

We chat with Adriana Carulla AKA the best nutritionist ever! She has a wonderful view and approach towards nutrition that is very far away from traditional dieting, she focuses more on making small but permanent changes and the correct mindset to create new and good habits that you can keep on the long run.

Episode Notes

PhD y M.S, Dietista, Coach y Posgraduate Teacher.
Books: Entre la Vida y la Dieta y Rompe la Dieta
Love yourself, eat healthy, excersise and just be happy

We chat with Adriana Carulla AKA the best nutritionist ever! She has a wonderful view and approach towards nutrition that is very far away from traditional dieting, she focuses more on making small but permanent changes and the correct mindset to create new and good habits that you can keep on the long run.

In this episode Adriana shares with us how a simple approach to aim for balance and prioritize things in life depending on where you are in that moment help her to manifest the path that took her to where she is now. 

She loves to eat well, exercise, and study, be a mom, to read, to write but concentrating and focusing on one thing a time was the secret to getting the best results. 

There is no specific goal in her live, things just happen but she does aim to serve helping people feel the best they can, and the feedback from them feeds her soul to keep studying and learning more to teach people to love themselves, this feeling will inspire then to have better eating habits instead of “dieting”

She believes she is living her dream live right now, and that is exactly the right mindset as we know that whatever you believe happens.

If you want to find our more listen to the whole episode and on Thursday come back as we break it down and reverse engineer every quality Adriana has and how you can find yours to build a live you love.