The Dream Team Academy

Fabiana Says Jump Into An Empty Swimming Pool

Episode Summary

So Fabiana taught us so much, the principle of taking risks, jumping into empty pools was her statement. Take risks, the life you want is often the other side of fear. Pouring love into yourself is a key, along with designing a life that you want, which can involve waiting fo the right train to arrive. This episode look at the aspects of Fabiana's life lessons, that we can also use to live a life we love.

Episode Notes

Principles within this episode are ;

Look for something inside of yourself, if we search we often find the wisdom within. 

Make opportunities happen by being a risk taker along the lines of your vision.

Love yourself

Take small steps and keep going.

Building bridges is a wise move, Fabiana has always been interested in female empowement

Follow your feelings, think about them, test if it feels right and follow our gut. 

If you get to the station and you know where you want to go, make sure you wait for the train that you are sure is going to the right station. 

Follow your instincts like a dog, follows a scent. 

Connection is always essential in all life, between people, and all things. An electric item cant work without being connected to the electric flow, we are the same. 

Think about what you yearn for?

Trust yourself

You need to know you can change before you can change..this is what holds people bavk. 

Own your own power, no one can do that for you 

There is a Gap between doubt and certainty....want and desire....move towards certainty ...feel your way forwards until are certain its the right path. Everyone has different goals, be your own person, its ok to just be simple and its ok to want to change the world, whats  essential is to do what your yearn for, not what others tell you to do. 

Ideas cross our pathways all the time, grab the ones that stand out to you, let the others go,  make sure you grab the things that you want, dont let good things pass you by. 

We  discussed the 100th monkey story. 

Manifestation is not something w choose to do, we do it all the time, whether we are aware or not. 

Our being manifests, what we focus on manifests, so be careful what you think about. Focus on the desired outcome not the obstacles, and life becomes easier, it takes some practice to think this way, as our lizard brain want to protect us by focusing on the problems. 

Question rather than doubt when yo are uncertain, ask yourself maybe it CAN work. 

Focus on gratitude rather than lack is a basic principle of manifestation that takes some practice to become a habit, which radically speeds up abundance and happiness in your life

Words have power ;-)

You can reach Fabiana at

Co hosts Lisa Hamilton-Smith and Marissa Manrique can be reached at
