The Dream Team Academy

Karina's Principles Of Living a Life You Love

Episode Summary

Learn to apply the key principles Karina shares with us: Driven nature: You are born with it, but it also is a skill you can learn. Took advantage of every opportunity came her way This was a learned habit that her mother taught her. This means that you can develop it too. The train only passes ones. Never know if it will pass again, creates the urgency to take it. If you don’t know wich train to take, take any one it will still take you somewhere. “It could work!” This is the glass full type of view. Instead of worrying that it might not work she did the opposite and focused on the other 50% of possibility, that it could work. That in itself is the motivation that keeps you going, and, in the end, she always had great results. She wasn’t focus on the reward, she was actually focused on the journey, the adventure and on the positive outcome and making the effort to see how far she could go. This is the practical explanation of how you are present in the here and now. And much much more.

Episode Notes



Learn to apply the key principles Karina shares with us:

This are amazing tools that if you learn them now and become a master at them, you can also set this mindset on to your kids so they learn them from childhood.