The Dream Team Academy

We Always Lead By Example

Episode Summary

EPISODE 22 Nina and Celeste Nina´s life was far from easy or comfortable, she was neglected just for being born a woman, she literally had to survive from her own father beating almost to death, the only way to survive was to run away even though she was so hurt. She rebuild herself found a way to love herself and her live to be able to change the example she was willing to give to her kids, so different from what she grow 

Episode Notes

Key principals 

  1. The mission is so important it overwrites the fear. 
  2. She found a way to love her life. When she was young she read, that gave her the understanding what was happening to her was wrong. 
  3. Nina had a natural drive because she needed to survive.
  4. Her main focus was always to find another way to live, there is always another way. The right focus will always lead you to where you want to go.
  5. Celebrate every day because it can be your last.
  6. Having a message that you can share will alway drive you to. Giving back will elevate your energy.
  7. Keep your fear in balance so you can use it as an alert but it will not freeze you.
  8. Your mindset will not change unless you want it to. Then all the techniques and all the mantras start to work.
  9. Fall in love with yourself. Become your biggest cheerleader, your bigger suporter.


For her was very hard to be a witness to her mothers suffering and being being young

  1. What are the 3 things you did today? This is so useful to give kids structure to look back and feel good about their accomplishments, and also to have something to look forward to.
  2. She inherited her mother's drive! The good news is that this can be learned if you truly want to, so if you don't feel like you have a natural drive, it can only be because you are carrying emotional baggage, so don't be discouraged, just work on it! Ask for help if you need to.
  3. Finally found the author...Pain is inevitable but suffering is a choice… Buddha